209 - 475Howe Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 2B3
TEL: (604) 681-7748 • FAX: (604) 681-0568
Canadian Venture Exchange Symbol: PBX
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEB SITE: www.internationalpbx.com
OCTOBER 13, 2004
The company would like to thank shareholders
for their patience throughout the summer while the company proceeded with
its sampling programs on its gold properties, Tierra de Oro and Sierra
Pintada, as well as the Tabaco property wherein the precious metal component
of the property, which was not drilled in our last program in 2003, was
assessed. These projects are all now drill ready.
The Tabaco property was acquired because of an historic resource (non
NI43-101) of 18 million tonnes of over 1 per cent leachable copper based
on a 57 hole program in 1963-64. Subsequent bench and bulk testing in
1990 indicated very good recovery and unusually low acid consumption in
comparison with the usual Chilean oxide operation. Access is excellent
and the property elevation is only 6000 feet. Power and water are all
available nearby. The strip ratio in this deposit is minimal with all
oxide present from surface to 30 metres, on average. The company acquired
the property when copper was trading at less than $US.70 in management’s
belief that, at that level, the deposit had the potential to produce a
healthy profit.
The drill program carried out in 2003 had two main objectives. The first
was to evaluate the veracity of the original drill holes and this has
been done to management's satisfaction. The second was to test the underlying
rock which produced a moderate induced polarization anomaly over 2.5 km
long. The first hole, a discovery hole, intersected over 80 metres of
1 per cent copper as coarse chalcopyrite in a skarn setting. The original
historic drilling was carried out over a strike length of only 600 metres
but the oxide development is, in fact, present over 3km as might be expected
from the IP response. The original drilling did not penetrate the underlying
chalcopyrite mineralization in part responsible for the IP response.
This deposit has the potential to be very much larger than suggested by
the original drilling. The company has received joint venture proposals,
has been negotiating with private mining group and is now being approached
by major mining companies. At $US1.45 per pound copper this property is
a valuable asset of the company that will be drilled off to NI43-101 standards
by the company barring an agreement extremely beneficial to our shareholders.
Gary Medford Phd. PGeo.
604 681 7748
Robert A Young and Associates 604 682 5123
Investor Relations 1 877 626 2121
The TSE Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility
for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
The company relies on “forward- looking” statement litigation