Tierra de Oro Target Zones
The "Tierra
de Oro" property, comprised of a large group of 20 exploitation
concessions totalling 49.34 sq. km, is located 730 km north
of Santiago on the western edge of the Pre-Cordillera. Since
August 1996, exploration of the property by International
PBX Ventures Limited through its wholly owned subsidiary,
Minera IPBX Ltda, has resulted in the discovery of multiple
large zones of gold-silver and copper-gold deposits.

The property
overlies the north-easterly trending contact between the Sierra
Chanchero granitic to dioritic intrusive complex and variable
skarned, Chanarcillo and Hornitos andesitic volcanics and
limy sediments. This contact is a major strikeslip fault that
splays off the Atacama Fault zone. This latter fault is a
regional structure hundreds of kilometres long, within and
adjacent to which are a number of major gold, gold-silver
and gold-copper deposits.