Copaquire Molybdenum-Copper Property
Tabaco [detail], Vallenar, Chile-(Cu, Au, Ag)
de Oro [detail], Copiapo Chile-
(Au, Ag, Co, Cu)
Consisting of 15 Exploitation Concession (3,456 ha) this property
had work done by us in 1996-98 with very good gold assay results.
It could produce significant areas hosting gold mineralization
in the 1.5 to 2 gpt Au in near surface oxidized zones at depths
of less than 50 meters, making it favorable for an open pit
heap leach operation. The property is 100% owned by the PBX.
More surface sampling is required and this property may be the
target of our next drill program.
Lomitas, Copiapo, Chile-(Cu, Au, Ag)
This property contains 5 exploitation concessions (2.500 ha)
situated on the east side of the above Tierra de Oro concessions.
It has been optioned to a third party.
Sierra Pintada [detail], Vallenar, Chile-(Cu, Au, Ag, Co)
There are 14 Exploration Concessions (3300 ha) in this wholly owned group. Material previously mined typically graded 3-5% Cu and 1-5gpt Au, from one zone, and 1-5% Cu and 10-50gpt Au from a second zone. This property was staked by PBX in April 2002 and is 100% owned by us. The zones are 12 km long and 100 m wide.
Pedro [detail], Vallenar, Chile-(Ti, Au, Cu)
Wholly owned, 600 ha grass roots exploration
property in the Cerro Blanco Titanium District.
Property covers several large alteration
systems, Rosario and San Pedro, historically mined for copper,
gold and rutile (titanium dioxide).
Old mine workings in the Rosario copper-gold
alteration zone, which primarily exploited high grade quartz-sulphide
"ore" typically grading 2%-5% Cu and 10-50g/t Au.
Assays for systematic outcrop sampling by
IPBX personnel of the San Pedro titanium zone range from 0.4%-2.4%
TiO2 and averaged 1.4% TiO2.
Exploration Target; Disseminated Rutile
(TiO2) and Copper-gold deposits
Hornitos, Copiapo, Chile- (I0CG type Cu-Au deposit)
Consisting of 11 exploration concessions totaling approximately 3200 ha, is located 35 kilometers south of Copiapo. The property is a grass roots exploration play acquired by staking in February 2003, because of its similar geological setting to PBX’s adjacent Zulema option and is believed to have similar potential for the occurrence of Candelaria (I0CG) type Cu-Au deposits.
Fuego (Cu, Au, Co)
This 900 ha property is a wholly owned grass roots exploration play acquired by staking.
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Canadian Properties
TDO satellite
Yellow area represents gold zone of
Tierra de Oro,
and red outline represents strong induced polarization anomaly
click to view larger TDO satellite picture
Copaquiri Plan
Induced polarization plan survey, historical
drill holes and surface sampling
click to view larger Copaquiri Plan
Minera IPBX Chile
Copaquiri Mo-Cu Project
click to view larger picture
Copaquir Project
Property and Drill Location

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